Early Intervention Service (EIS)

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Early Intervention Service (EIS)

Translational mental health strategy

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Care models
Early Intervention Service (EIS)

The Early Intervention Service (EIS) of the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf was founded in 2003 as Early Psychosis Service (EPS) for the early detection and intervention of psychosis in cooperation between adult psychiatry and child and youth psychiatry for adolescents and young adults aged 15-29 years. In 2010 the EPS was expanded to an Early Intervention Service (EIS) for all mental disorders in adolescents and young adults aged 12-29 years.

In 2010, the Early Intervention Service (EIS) was expanded by the initiation of an age-overlapping specialized day-clinic for prodromal and first-episode psychoses patients aged 15-29 years.

In 2012 the EIS was further developed by the implementation of

1. a Hamburg-wide mental health literacy campaign to reduce duration of untreated illness (see → WWW. PSYCHENET.DE) and

2. an Integrated Care network with a specialized Therapeutic Assertive Community Treatment Team (TACT) for people with early psychosis.

Both interventions combined was found to reduce the duration of untreated psychosis and increase the recovery rate within one year by the factor of three (49% versus 15%).

The EIS sees about 600 patients per year and is closely linked to all clinical institutions of the department, especially the treatment units for people with severe mental illness.

The Early Intervention Service (EIS) is embedded into a German early detection network.