ACT | Assertive Community Treatment |
BfArM | Federal Institute for Pharmaceuticals and Medical Products |
BMBF | Federal Ministry of Education and Research |
BMFSFJ | Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth |
BMG | Federal Ministry of Health |
CHCR | Centre for Health Care Research |
CHIMPS | Centre for Children of Mentally-Ill Parents |
CMD | Common Mental Disorders |
CRC | Collaborative Research Center |
CRT | Crisis Resolution Team |
CRU | Clinical Research Unit |
CV | Curriculum Vitae |
DFG | German Research Foundation |
DGKJP | German Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry |
DGPPN | German Society for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Neurology |
DG-Sucht | German Society for Addiction Research and Addiction Therapy |
DRV Bund | German Federal Pension Fund |
DSM-5 | Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders |
DVG | Digital Healthcare Act |
DZIG | German Center for Infection Research |
DZNE | National Neuroimaging Network |
DZSKJ | German Centre for Addiction Research in Childhood and Adolescence |
EEG | Electroencephalography |
EIS | Early Intervention Service |
EMG | Electromyography |
EmPeeRie NoW | Empower Peers to Research |
ERC | European Research Council |
EX-IN | Experienced Involvement: Individuals who have experienced mental health problems effectively support others going through similar crises (on the basis of appropriate training/curriculum) |
G-BA | Federal Joint Committee of Health Insurances/ Agencies, authorized to make binding regulations based on health reform bills passed by lawmakers, along with routine decisions regarding healthcare in Germany |
GCMH | (Proposed) German Centre for Mental Health |
HAM-NET | Hamburg Network for Health Services Research |
HBSC | Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children |
HCC.HITT | Hamburg Center for Child Healthcare Innovation, Translation and Treatment |
HCHE | Hamburg Centre for Health Economics |
HCHS | Hamburg City Health Study |
HBS | Hamburg Brain School |
HiTOP | Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology |
HCNS | Hamburg Centre of Neuroscience |
HRQoL | Health-Related Quality of Life |
IC-TACT | Integrated Care incl. Therapeutic Assertive Community Treatment |
IfP | Institute for Psychotherapy |
LPE | Regional association of service users |
LApK | Regional association of carers |
MEG | Magnetoencephalography |
MH-TRN | Mental Health Translational Research Network Hamburg |
MCT | Metacognitive Training |
MPIB | Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin |
MRI/ MRT | Magnetic Resonance Imaging/ Magnetic Resonance Tomography |
NCATS | National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences |
NIH | National Institutes of Health |
OCD | Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder |
PCC | Patient-centred care |
Peer(s) | Individuals with own experience of mental illness or experienced as relatives/ carers; actively involved in one or more of the following activities: peer support, conducting research, being part of a research, or other institutional participatory advisory boards |
PEPP | Reimbursement system for psychiatric and psychosomatic hospitals in Germany |
PI | Principle investigator |
PREM | Patient-reported experience measures |
PRINCE | Prenatal Identification of Children’s Health |
PROM | Patient-reported outcome measures |
PTA | Training Institute for Clinical Psychologists |
PTM | Power Threat Meaning Framework |
PTSD | Posttraumatic Stress Disorder |
RCT | Randomised controlled trial |
RDoC | Research Domain Criteria |
RKI | Robert Koch Institute |
SDM | Shared decision-making |
SE | Supported Employment |
SMI | Serious Mental Illness |
SP | Supportive psychotherapy |
SPMI | Severe and persistent mental illness |
SSDs | Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders |
TMS | Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation |
TRR | Transregio (DFG funding type) |
UCL | University College London |
UHH | University of Hamburg |
UKE | University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf |
VR | Virtual Reality |
WG | Working Group |
WHO | World Health Organisation |
yCHCR | Young Centre for Health Care Research |
ZIS | Centre for Interdisciplinary Addiction Research |